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Here at Impression Solutions, we are dedicated to giving our dealers every advantage to maximize their profitability in today’s hyper-competitive market. We work with our dealers to help them to look at, and optimize, five specific cost centers in their operations.


In this post, we’re going to look at these five points of profitability and why it’s relevant for our dealer/partners to explore these specific cost centers.

Five Key Profitability Centers to Examine

As you know, Q4 is the most critical time of the year for imaging dealers. Almost 80% of small to medium-sized businesses end their fiscal year on December 31st. To take advantage of yearly tax savings means that October through December 31st is THE buying season for printers, copiers, and MFPs. This fact means that taking the right steps now can help dealers to maximize profits. These five key profit centers are the place to start! With ISI programs we can help.

1. Cash Flow Profitability

At ISI our Flooring Program gives dealers the opportunity to manage cash flow to maximize profitability. Our Flooring Program gives participating dealers 90 days to one-year flooring to pay for hardware, parts, and supplies at NO CHARGE!

2. Freight Costs

ISI has reduced or even eliminated rising freight fees to maximize profits. In fact, we offer our dealers a free freight program on all orders over $500. Savings that flow directly to your bottom line.

3. Drop Ship Savings

ISI dealers drop-ship 60% of their deliveries to their end-users. This means reduced costs of goods sold. By drop-shipping products and suppliers directly to customers, ISI dealers eliminate receiving, storing, and reshipping fees. 

4. Pre-Configuration Savings

Pre-configuration is our most popular service. By having us pre-configure your customers’ products before delivery with asset tags, IP addresses, firmware upgrades, and more, you reduce or eliminate installation set-up times, accelerate deliveries, and cut on-site costs!

5. Sales Rep Rewards

ISI pays cash incentives and rewards on our entire product line including even the smallest desktop printers! 

At Impression Solutions, we start with great pricing and then work to eliminate related costs. Our value-add services can help you differentiate your business from your competitors and eliminate avoidable hard and soft costs to protect your margins and grow your profitability!

Want to learn more? Take our Dealer Profitability Challenge and see where you stand! Book a 30-minute profit discovery conversation with an ISI representative today! 

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