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As we begin to slowly come out of the shutdown, we’ll all have to adjust to a new way of doing business. With CDC regulations and an air of uncertainty, it’s easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking.

As a business leader, it’s been a challenge to stay positive during these uncertain times. However, a positive attitude is the best way to support your employees and make proactive decisions as we adjust to the new normal in the weeks and months ahead.

Science Weighs In

Scientific research has weighed in on the benefits of positive thinking, they include:

  • Increased Resilience – Positivity during tough times increases resilience and provides faster cardiac recovery. Blood pressure stabilizes more quickly and your heart rate slows.
  • Boosts Immunity – A positive attitude helps you better manage symptoms of illness.
  • Helps You Think Clearly – A positive attitude improves decision making, creative thinking, problem-solving, and objectivity.

Maintaining a positive attitude during stressful times can help you to view your situation constructively, boosts your team’s morale, and can help you recognize the opportunities that arise in every crisis.

“If you say you can or you can’t you are right either way.” – Henry Ford

What You Can Do

This crisis has definitely made staying positive a challenge. Here are some great ideas to promote positivity, for both you and your employees.

  1. Acknowledge What You’re Feeling – Acknowledging anxiety and stress can help you to better understand and gain control of your emotions. This can help you to manage negative thinking and shift your perspective.
  2. Practice Gratitude – Simple gratitude for the positive things and people in your life can have permanent positive effects on your brain. To help your team’s morale, consider implementing a gratitude practice in their day too. It can be as simple as asking them to share what they’re grateful for before the morning meeting or compliment a teammate.
  3. Maintain Your Daily Routine – Keep your life as normal as possible. Get up at your regular time, go through your morning ritual. If working out is part of your morning, go for a walk or jump on your bike. Shower, and start your workday as usual.
  4. Avoid Negative People – It’s a well-known fact that we are largely influenced by the people we spend the most amount of time with. Spending more time with people that are positive, optimistic and open minded will influence your thoughts in the same manner.
  5. Ask Complainers to Provide a Solution – Often the people that complain most fail to provide a solution to the problems they present. Asking people to come up with a solution will force them to think beyond the immediate issue towards the future state of resolution.
  6. Confront Negative Behavior – Letting negative comments go may look like you are condoning the behavior and cause it to spread. Instead, identify the guilty culprits on your team and have a one-on-one meeting to discuss how they can turn a negative into a positive.

Staying positive has a powerful effect on your brain and can help you to keep on track during a confusing, challenging, and scary time. As we begin to reopen our businesses and resume our lives in the new normal, focus on staying positive for your employees and we’ll all get through this together!

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