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Every salesperson has their own unique style, process, and strategy when it comes to sales. However, if you look at the most successful among them, they share a remarkable number of similar characteristics. It’s been said that success in sales is 90% mental. What that means is with the right attitude you can close sales in the most challenging situations. 

If you want to be a top salesperson, emulate the best to be the best! Here are 5 common characteristics of today’s top salespeople:

• They Believe in What They’re Selling – Top sellers genuinely believe in the value of the product, service, or solution they’re selling. Their belief comes through in every conversation with a prospect, especially when helping them break through resistance and doubt.

• They Understand and Empathize with Customer’s Pain Points – They understand what their customer’s pain points are and craft solutions. They’ve taken the time to get to know their buyers. They know the challenges they face, their priorities, and their fears – and they empathize. They see their prospects as people first and work to build meaningful relationships

• Top Salespeople are Focused and Passionate – Top salespeople bring focus and passion to their job. They know what they want, and their focus gives them control over the sales process. They are passionate about what they do and enthusiastic about the solutions they offer and their passion is contagious!

• They are Resilient – Every salesperson hits a slump at some point in their career. Good salespeople often panic. Top salespeople understand that freaking out doesn’t solve anything. They will stay calm, reassess their situation, work on building new skills and come up with a game plan. 

• They Focus on Factors They Can Control – Most salespeople understand that success is contingent on some external factors. For example, if your prospect just went through a 50% budget cutback, they may not be able to complete the sale, no matter how much value you’ve provided. However, successful reps don’t focus on the factors they can’t control. Instead they direct energy toward what they can influence, like keeping their passion high!

Examine what the best of the best do, then try and model their behavior. Keep learning new techniques, model yourself after the best, and in time, you’ll begin to enjoy the same results!

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