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As a business owner, you play an important role in helping prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and keeping you, your staff, and your customers safe. 

Here are some ways you can help support your staff and your customers. 

Supporting Your Team

Talk to your staff about the policies that you’ve put in place when it comes to serving and helping customers, taking payments, and managing stock. If you can, organize them into set work teams to help minimize the risk of spreading COVID between staff. 

They may have some apprehension about returning to work. Consider ways you can protect those with underlying health conditions who may be more vulnerable. For example, can they continue working from home, or can you move them into non-public facing roles to lower risks?

Protecting Your Customers

When you welcome customers, explain the changes to your premises when they arrive. It can help make their shopping experience more enjoyable… and safer. Reducing stock and encouraging customers to ask about products, rather than allowing them to touch the products can be a great way to reduce the spread of the virus, and keep them and your staff safe!

Policy Ideas to Keep You Safe

Keeping your customers and staff informed of your policies can reduce confusion and keep everyone happy and on the same page. Here are some policy ideas you can implement that can help reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

• Signage – Be clear with your customers about where to queue when checking out. Place markings at 6-foot intervals with instructions and visual aids.

• Encourage Contactless Payments – Whenever possible, contactless payments can reduce risks and make the check-out process more efficient. 

• Improve Cleanliness and Hygiene – Frequently clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are touched in your workplace. Place hand sanitizer in the restrooms, at the entrances and exits, and encourage their use.

• Return Policy – Keep returns isolated for 72 hours as virulence is likely significantly reduced after that time.

• Personal Protective Equipment – Encourage customers and staff to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Keep your team apprised of the latest PPE guidance.

Want to learn more? Watch our webinar that can help Imaging Dealer leaders keep on top of the latest insights to help prevent, monitor, detect and manage policies and safety measures to keep employees and customers safe! 

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