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Today, as many of us continue working from home, the art of networking has moved online. That means getting familiar with, and using, social media to build relationships and credibility with prospects, existing customers, peers, and even your competition.

Today, your buyer has more control than ever before and it’s important to adjust to this shifting dynamic. It’s key to engage with buyers directly, throughout their buying process, especially in the earliest stages to generate sales.

To do that, use the platforms where your prospects gather and that means sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Why You Need Social Media

Here are a few key reasons why developing your personal brand on social media will increase your sales!

• Prospects Can See Who You Are, What You Do, and Why They Should Work With You!

Engaging with your prospects, answering their questions, and posting relevant educational information to help they with their buying process adds value, and it also directly works to develop your personal brand, and thought leadership in your industry.

• Social Media is the New Networking “Lunch”

Welcome to networking in the “new normal.” If you haven’t updated your LinkedIn profile, or Facebook business page in a while, it’s time! Take a few minutes and bring them up to date. Include recent photos, certifications, promotions, awards, or job changes.

Follow prospects, industry leaders, competitors, and leave comments, share posts, or otherwise engage with their posts. It’s a great way to build your reputation, and the perfect way to conduct warm outreach, and build your tribe.

• Build Your Personal Brand

Having a solid profile can help to build a strong personal brand. Use your profile to share blogs, interact and engage with prospects and peers, and let your visitors know who your are.

Upping your social media game shows prospects that working with you adds value. By using best practices like optimizing your social accounts, creating and sharing unique content, and directly engaging with prospects you are well on your way to building a strong online presence.

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