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Virtual selling is not new. Many of us, even pre-pandemic, often moved opportunities forward on conference calls or video chats. However, especially in times of uncertainty, like we’re currently experiencing, it’s critically important that you differentiate yourself as a trusted adviser, someone who adds value in every conversation. 

Brushing up on your skills is never a bad idea, even for a veteran sales leader. Remember, there’s as much differentiation in how you sell as in what you sell! 

Here are three tips for maximizing virtual sales!

1. Brush Up on LinkedIn

We all understand the importance of being visible online, especially with prospects and customers on LinkedIn, but how long has it been since you’ve updated your profile? Often minor tweaks can make a big difference when prospects are researching you and the solutions you can provide. What’s the first thing you do when you meet someone virtually? You probably look them up on LinkedIn. They’re doing the same thing. What do you want them to see? Stay visible, update your profile, and add value with the content you share!

2. Focus on Pre-Call Prep!

Now isn’t the time to wing it, especially on important calls. We are dealing with unprecedented challenges, and it’s important not to waste anyone’s time. Plan your call before you connect. Virtual calls leave more room for the unexpected. Make sure you’re prepared. Forward an agenda or any collateral materials in advance.

  • Test your WiFi and video 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled call time.
  • Test your audio—test speakers and mics before you call.
  • Mute other computer and phone notifications!

3. Have a Backup Plan

Once you’ve prepared everything and tested it, make sure you have a backup plan in case there is a technical issue. Be sure your prospect knows what to do in the event of an unexpected problem. 

Do this before your call:

  • Mention your backup plan in your pre-call email.
  • Explain that if the call gets dropped, you’ll be the one to call back or send a new link.
  • Make sure your both on the same page by mentioning it again at the beginning of your call.

For the foreseeable future, we’re all going to be selling virtually. Be prepared, differentiate yourself from your competitors, and make sure to use and reinforce best practices with your colleagues and add value!

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